Convention Coach + Stories

logo_bigger Welcome to my blog series on Convention Stories and Strategies.  I recommend checking it out if you are a gamer or a designer and have an interest in:

  1. Promoting a game
  2. Attracting attention to your booth
  3. Communicating with other humans
  4. Laughing at my mistakes!

I have been to many conventions showcasing Crop Cycle and Centaurus. Through these experiences I have catalogued the highlights of my stories and my strategies in the hope that you will learn or at the very least laugh at my stories.

Convention Stories: Humorous highlights from conventions.

1. Memories of Keycon: Drinking with a Dwarf

2. Rediscovering Childhood at PAX West

3. Followers at Games Day


Convention Coach: Strategies to help improve your results at game conventions

1. Surviving the Convention Circuit Diet

2. Sumo Fights Yoga Instructors…and other hooks to engage with

3. Move like Agent Smith: Make caffeine work for you

4. The Law of Gameplay Attraction

5. Giving Candy to Strangers

6. Combat Terrible Memory with a Checklist

7. The Third Wheel: Bringing new players into the Fold

8. Top 6 Reasons to Share a Table

9. Validating Players and Accepting Feedback

10. Simple Thoughts on Signs

Please check back regularly as this list is updated regularly!

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